Product Hunting without any paid tools?

How to Product hunt without any paid tools?

Picture about a product hunter who is product hunting

Author: Mr.Mosaib Lander


You can do product researching & find the valid product for sale on Amazon but without buying any paid tools like Helium-10Marchant word, Jungle scout, etc.

So how?

Before starting this by the way if you want to know about Virtual Assistant here is the link you can check it about this: How to become a virtual assistant on amazon?

Follow these 10 steps

Step_No:1Keyword Researching

Keyword research helps you to identify the product which has a high Volume, traffic & demand on amazon so that we can sell on amazon.

Simple just go to select the marketplace & category which You want To Sell on the Amazon Marketplace. 

Suppose: -

Here are some categories in the below image-1,

Here are some kitchen related niches product categories on amazon      

Suppose you have chosen the Home & Kitchen category, to sell on amazon, Then after selecting your category, you have to find Neche Of your product category it's maybe according to your chosen category,

The below Image-2 shows Home & Kitchen niches Products, 

Picture showing all types of Kitchen niches products list

Above image-2 is taken from this website:

Related keywords search on amazon that should be related to your Home  & kitchen Categories niche Product. 

Suppose: -

I Choose the "Garlic Press" category from the above niches in the below Images-3,


Garlic Press product niche  list on amazon

Step_No:2Related Keywords Research 

How you can find related keywords that people are searching on Amazon To buy that particular product that you have selected, 

Like “Garlic press” 

If this keyword has high search volume and high competition so After that select another Two or a maximum of Three trial keywords.

So, find more related keywords that people are searching on Amazon to buy products One of the best tools is freely available that will help you to find More relevant keywords related to your product niche.

The free tool is available AMZ-Suggestion-Expander.

AMZ-Suggestion-Expander Tool.

Download this Extension from Google & Then add to chrome. Then on this extension, It will show the top right side of the browser.

This tool will help you to find more relevant keywords related to your product niche.

Suppose: -

AMZ-Suggestion-Expander is suggesting “Garlic press”  product niche related keywords

Your selected keyword is Garlic press then click on AMZ suggestion 
Expander extension top right side of the browser,

This tool will show your relevant keywords as checked above Image-4.
In above pic shows you related keywords of your product niche,

Try to select Two or a maximum of Three trial keywords, after selecting
keyword & check result in further Step No:3.

Step_No:3Top seller’s­ rating check

Suppose: -

Your selected keyword is garlic press cube & the search result is below in The image. Image-5,

garlic press cube products searching on amazon

Now check the top seller rating remember 70% of sellers should Have 4.5 stars check,
If 70% of sellers have 4.5 stars,

It means the product is good & it contained So many positive reviews by customers.

If 70% of sellers do have not 4.5 stars then try to select another keyword According to your product niche.

Step_No:4Top seller’s reviews check on the first amazon page

If only one seller achieved 1000+ reviews and other sellers have not more  than 1000 reviews so it's a chance to take that product but,

If the top three or five sellers have achieved 1000+ reviews so it's difficult To compete with them so if this condition is occurred then go to & find out Next any other product keyword according to your niche.

Step_No:5Top seller’s price check

Try to choose those products which Price should be around $15 to $30 if You have a low budget.

Otherwise, you can choose high price products for sell but remember If You want to go for high price products so you have to gain, 

More reviews free give ways & PPC ads then you can be able to Compete with top sellers.


Step_No:6Top seller’s check product selling consistency

It might be possible with the tool to check product selling Consistency but don't worry,
I am giving you a trick to check top seller’s product selling Consistency or not,

Means the product is regularly selling on Amazon or not this is called product selling consistency

Simple just go to on top seller pages, 
Select ADD to Card option, 
As shown in below Image-6,


garlic press product Add to cart for checking product quantities.

Then type (999), and then click on the update option, below Image-7

Product quantity checking on amazon store  Image-7

So, when you type this, then amazon will show you a screen, where amazon Tells you about the seller's total inventory.

Amazon showing total product quantities available on store


It will give you information about the seller that his seller has only 812 products. 

So, you know about top seller product’s quantities then this same exercise apply on multiple product's niches on the regular basis still one week,  

After one week you will be able to know that product selling consistency, You will be able to see how much products have demand and regularly selling point.

Because you are checking the sales of the seller products on the daily basis with this technique and amazon will tell you daily the total quantities of the products so you can easily guess product consistency.


Suppose: -

 If seller product is selling daily on amazon like today you checked the total inventory on amazon with this technique,


1st day it was, 812  

2nd day it was, 900

3rd day it was, 700

4th day it was, 500


So, in the above example, it means that the product is good its selling point is too good,

If not then go for the next product niche & apply the same process & technique that we mentioned in the above steps,

Also, you can try these same techniques with different other seller's product categories on amazon.

Step_No:7Check product is seasonable or not seasonable

Again, to check seasonal or non-seasonal products through the free tool
It will tell you though the figures for the last 12-months, 2-years.                                               

Suppose: -

Go to Google trend, & search product here in the search bar,

Google trend search bar screen

Google trend search bar.


Garlic press in google trend, telling it is last 12 months Selling Graph


I searched Garlic press in google trend, so you consider it is last 12 months Selling Graph in the above  Image-9,


If product graphs are consistent each & every month’s so it is a non-seasonal Product as mentioned in the above graphs in the Image-9.

So that non-seasonal product’s you can sell each & every month & season like spring, summer, fall, and winterAnd this is the best product category.

You should choose non-seasonable products rather than seasonal product's,

We can choose seasonable product’s but again if we have high budgets For free giveaways, PPC ads & gain reviews so after that good chance to Sell seasonal products on amazon rather than sell the non-seasonal products Category.

Step_No:8Check product is lightweight or the size of the product

Again, if you have low budgets so go for lightweight products in their size Should be contained within grams or KGSo that many products volume can exist within fewer boxes. lightweight product volume should consist of 1kg.

Remember: - product should not be breakable like Glasses, Eyes glasses, any Toye’s or any medicine or fashion or battery electricity Related products that may be chance of breaking during the shipping by air or by ship.

Or further amazon can restrict you to sell that product. Because many products are gated (which Means you can't sell on amazon without any certification or permission allowed From amazon).

Step_No_9:check product patent

It is the most important part of product researching, whether the product is patent or not If you don’t know about a patent check another blog about what is patent.

So, in this case, two methods help you to find while the product is patent or Not.

1) Go to the Google patent website you can also learn
            how TCheck Product patent from this website link is here patent.

2)Freelancer higher from for this work.


Go to google and search product keyword & last type patent,


“Garlic press patent”. So google will show some patents information According to your product.


Step_No:10Dummy list

A Dummy list will help you to know about your products authority of selling,
By amazon, means dummy list will help you to know that about products,
Gated or ungated, 

Also, check what is gated & ungated Products.

Simple way:

Gated products mean Amazon doesn't allow sellers to sell on Amazon,
Ungated product means amazon permit to sell on amazon.




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